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The listed prices are indicative and serve as a general reference for our treatments. The prices are all inclusive including Airport, Hotel and Clinic Transfers, Translator Services and Accommodation.To receive an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs, we offer a free video consultation with both the patient and the clinic. Let's discuss your wellness journey together!

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant


Embark on a transformative hair restoration journey with Tra-Well Medical Consultancy in the picturesque city of Izmir. Our clinic is a sanctuary for those seeking to turn the tide on hair loss and regain not only their locks but also their zest for life. Here's an in-depth look at the types of hair transplantation we offer: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): A time-honored technique involving the removal of a strip of hair-bearing scalp, followed by meticulous dissection into individual grafts. Ideal for covering large bald areas in a single session. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): A minimally invasive procedure extracting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp. Perfect for patients who prefer shorter haircuts or require a more detailed hairline design. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): Utilizes a specialized tool for precise control over depth, direction, and angle of each implanted hair. Enhances the survival and growth rate of the transplanted hair. Robotic Hair Transplantation: Advanced robotic technology assists in harvesting and placing hair follicles with unparalleled precision. Reduces procedure time and enhances comfort. Beard and Mustache Transplants: Tailored restoration for facial hair, providing natural and dense beard or mustache coverage. Eyebrow Transplants: Artistic creation of fuller, natural-looking eyebrows with careful graft placement. Scalp Micropigmentation: A non-surgical option that simulates the appearance of hair follicles, creating the illusion of a full head of hair. PRP Therapy: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to stimulate healing and hair growth, enhancing the results of hair transplants. Combination Therapy: Combining hair transplantation with medical treatments for comprehensive hair restoration. In Izmir, you will not only discover advanced hair restoration solutions but also experience the rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality for which the city is known. Our expert team at Tra-Well is dedicated to crafting a natural and undetectable hair transplant outcome, personalized to your unique pattern of hair loss and aesthetic desires. Begin a new chapter in your life where confidence is restored and your appearance is rejuvenated. Contact us at and let us guide you toward a future where your hair's full potential is realized. For more detailed information on each procedure, visit our website and start planning your visit to Tra-Well's state-of-the-art clinics in Izmir.

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